Building a software developer profile is important in the tech industry because it raises your chances to get a job, get a salary rise, progress in your tech career, launch a freelance career and a great way to grow in your developer craftsmanship.
Here are some of the ways you can build your developer profile:
There are numerous platforms where you can publish posts on different tech topics like reviews, tutorials and many other topics that you can talk about. The most common platforms are Medium, Hashnode, Your personal website, Linkedin etc
Build an online brand (Social media/ Personal blog)
This might sound as a repeat of the first point, but to be more specific, this point refers to building a followers around your brand. This can be Twitter, Facebook, Medium, Linkedin or any other platform you are in.
Attend events & Network with like minded devs
There are numerous events organised for devs such as meetups, tech forums, tech conferences, code bootcamps, hackathons etc. Be part of a meetup or follow/ signup online communities geared towards your favorite language/platform/tools.
Hold a workshop/ Showcase at workplace
At the workplace organise small workshops to showcase different projects in fun way. It is an awesome way to break from day-to-day development. Book a large meeting room/ conference room at the office and talk over pizza or drinks
Organise meetup
Take advantage of developers who use a particular language/ platform/tools/ framework and customise a meetup. The popular platforms for forming such an event is eventbrite or
Speak at a local meetup
If you are good at a particular topic, make sure you submit talks to talk at various meetups (smaller audience) and then grow to bigger tech conferences
Contribute to open source
Starting small on small github projects is an excellent way to start getting involved with open source. Once you contribute to small open source projects on github you can now use the experience to contribute to larger projects
Did you know you can get a free profile on Devs Kenya
Highlight your contact details, experience, education and skills. Get a public profile that you can share with devs, friends and potential clients.
DevsKenya is aiming to become the one-stop shop for Kenyan software developers and IT consultancy firms. A place where software developers come for opportunities.